Men's Fashion

Stink-Free Work Out

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Sweat is a normal bodily function that all humans experience. Spending a few hours at the gym, however, can make you sweat a lot more than usual. You could start off looking and smelling fresh, but after a couple of crunches and burpees, the pool of sweat sitting on your skin and clothes might begin to develop an unpleasant odour. This can bring you harsh glances and unwanted attention. While exercising delivers a lot of benefits to your body, it could also cause the problem of post-workout stink.
While sweat itself is supposed to be odourless, body odour is caused by the bacteria from your skin mixing with the oils and sweat on your body. Bacteria will always be present in the human body, so having some odour is inevitable. Still, there are ways to prevent stink from ruining your day at the gym. Here are some tips that we’ve rounded up to help you control bad body odour even after an intense workout.

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