
A Guide to Curtain Bangs: How to Cut and Style this Trendy Haircut

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Here, a guide to navigating the curtain bangs look, from getting the right cut to styling them at home.

What are Curtain Bangs?

Curtain bangs do for your face what a set of artfully draped curtains does for a window. They are a softer, more bespoke interpretation of straight-across bangs meant to flatter one’s bone structure and highlight certain facial features, such as the eyes or cheekbones. “The perfect curtain bangs create softness and balance around the face,” explains Velasquez. “Whether you’re going with a longer version with a center part to open up your cheekbones or more forward and framing the brow line, their purpose is to bring out all of your positive features.”

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Should I Get Curtain Bangs?

While curtain bangs are coveted for good reason, you do have to weigh if they’ll be right for you across the board. “Before taking the plunge, consider if bangs will suit your lifestyle,” says François. For one, there’s the sheer physicality of bangs. “Some people find the feeling of hair on the face uncomfortable or it might be more practical to have hair fully swept back day to day,” he says. In addition to more trips to the salon for bang trims, there’s also the additional maintenance like more cleansing (bangs tend to get greasy because they absorb the oil, sweat, makeup, and SPF from your face) and daily finessing—though many consider the latter to be far and away worth it. “If you can give your bangs 10 minutes, you’re done,” assures Townsend.

How to Cut Curtain Bangs

Simply put: Leave curtain bangs to the pros. “Always have your bangs cut by a professional hairstylist who will give you a consultation first, taking into account your face shape, features, and lifestyle,” says François. Ahead of meeting with a pro, Townsend recommends doing your own research to understand what will works best for you.“When people come to see me for a haircut, they often show me pictures of bangs on a different face shape,” explains Townsend. “I’ve learned a lot of people don’t actually know their own face.” To that end, really take the time to understand your face shape and from there, he recommends drawing a rough sketch of your face on a piece of paper and shading the corners and/or the top of the head to see what helps give the illusion of an oval shape, which generally tends to be the desired goal for the most flattering results. “It’s a great way to prepare for a conversation with a hairstylist and give yourself more realistic expectations.”

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