
What’s Your Trigger?

Visits: 23

Causes for anger are deeply personal: What leads one person to blow up, another might brush off. So, what sends YOU flying off the handle? Take our quiz to find out.

While it would be great to be as calm as a Buddhist monk in everyday life, we all lose it on occasion.

But just like favorite flavors of ice cream, the things that set us off vary from one person to the next. For some, it’s irritating tasks; for others, it’s irritating people. And of course, there are those who are just plain angry.

If you want to tame your aggression or — better still — start putting it to good use, it can be helpful to get a better sense of what tends to trigger anger in you.

I lost my keys, and no amount of retracing my steps helps. (And no, I don’t know where I had them last, thankyouverymuch.)


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Daniele Castellano

Daniele Castellano

Illustrations by Daniele Castellano.

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